Saturday, December 17, 2011

christmas time

I remember those days and nights quite clearly. I was transfixed on a figure, content. Without knowing how the cards would play out, I blissfully and ignorantly lived out my days. Simple, subtle, solitude.

Days of yore, quite unchanging. Until now. This is the now. This is the then. my Thoughts have escaped me. at a loss for words. i feel foolish and uneducated. dumb. have i succumb to the masses? i know not. i just am.

they, with their passionate mouths and flowing words, say i should be this way or that. the future is uncertain, but i need to make certain that I certainly have a plan. which course of action to take, i know not. i just am.

lingering tides of emotions sweep over my body, like a broom to the dusty dirty floor. i have too many things to say and not enough words to say them. timetimetimetime is not on my side. afterall, it is only relative.

'do you remember, my lovely, how i charmed my way into your life? how i faked my happy smiles and joyous eyes?' you say this to me without opening your mouth. i know how it is, what it's like.

there's a glitch in the system, although, i sometimes am not the most observant human, i can draw conclusions from your placid tone. i wish.....lingers on into eternity

this is the first time in a long time i feel slightly head is not so congested with noise as to be able to write down these words sans paper and pen. i know now, i just am.

and i love, i love, i love. that's all i can do. it's what i'm best at. please, just....i wish...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The City

faded light, the city stretches out before you.
nobody's around.

empty streets and quiet pavement.
the city's got you down.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


i have learned a lot about love and life and most other cliches.

tob e con tinued...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lost In Your Head

.youare the dream i hold inside
.open thedoor and SEE the LIGHT

Unspoken words and sullen eyes I hide behind.

'I'm lostinmyhead, lostinmyhead; all thoughts are dead.

Do you believe inthings UNSEEN>?
.flipping thepages of your book.
.dogear the page and then you look up to thesky and realize that time.s gone by

you're lost in YOUR HEAD, lost in YOUR HEAD; the things you read.

(it's all a dream, things UNSEEN.)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


You give me fever.

Why does love always seem to blossom in the springtime?

It is what it is.

I let my words flow like wine.
The snow slowly melts and runs
down my boots as liquid cold.
I grow tired of this frigid air.
"Welcome to Minnesota"
Somber, overcast clouds.
A dull, grey morning.

Someday soon the sun will warm
my hands again.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Last Day of February

Cascading beams of light which seem
to linger on to eternity.

Day is dark and night is bright.
Cascading beams of starry