Thursday, May 14, 2009


hate. this. i. hate. this. i. hate. this. i hate. this. hate. this.


enough already...i am all ready for enough.

continuing cycle continues to continue to continue to continue to continue.

i just really want it to leave me...but i don't know how to chase it away.



everything rides on someone else and never us.
self-ish. me.

aWEFJ LKDFA;VKNA;ODFIBNA;LK;oaia;eoiaegjioe49839483eradbnlks;dfbngajbvfyfwiue4g!~!!!!




please Lord, end the cycle now.


Live my life in a photograph.

Capture the purest moments.

Set them free.
Frozen memories are mine forever.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All I Need... to hold his hand and look up at the stars.


I think I am going to get my lip pierced...



Who am I?

Today I know not.

Some have said that my life is such a "great example."
Really? Why don't I feel that way?

I am such a sinner....I disgust myself.

My stomach has been aching for weeks now...I take that as a sign.
My own sins have caused for me to become physically ill.

Is it always this confusing?



Beck couldn't have said it any better.
That is what this is...a timebomb...soon to explode and shed it's fractured pieces into the heavens above.

My own little world is about to become vulnerable and exposed.
I wish I had enough strength to hold onto it and keep it suspended in it's lovely bubble. But, it is far better for it to break. I need to wake up from this heavy sleep.

I am frightened...


What if I don't feel the same way they do about what is right or good?
I know that they have good intentions, but my heart just isn't in it with them.
I feel differently about how God wants me to do things. I am not meant to be like the rest of them...I have been set apart by Him.

Sometimes, though, I don't think they are working fully on His behalf.
They do what they know...what they have been taught.
The methods they use aren't for me. He has guided me in a different direction.

I know that they won't understand, but I hope God will grant them that with time.
I need to do this.

I am certain.